It was our pleasure this week to welcome Jeremy Ruggles, Managing Director of J.S. Wright and Sons Ltd., to our new Hucknall premises.

Wrights are the world’s largest grower and producer of English willow for the cricket bat industry with a heritage dating back to 1894 when the company was started by Jeremy’s Great Grandfather.

Jeremy was keen to see our advanced technology and fresh approach to the cricket bat industry since we started in 2012 and therefore we wanted to show him how we were progressing in the new factory.

It is always great to see our willow being made into the finished product. What B3 offer is both advanced and unique and it’s been great to see the concept grow the last 5 years. The new facility is superb and I love the indoor net facility! To let customers try their bats is superb and to offer coaching to players demonstrates a real love of the game.” commented Jeremy.

It’s also great to still see a bat maker in the UK actually making their bats themselves. B3’s advanced technology and vision is refreshing,” he concluded enthusiastically.

After the business was done it was time for a bit of fun. Now Jeremy is self-confessed, “not very good” at cricket even though he was coached as a schoolboy.

English Willow Cricket bat

However he couldn’t resist getting the pads on and having a hit against Harold (the bowling machine). Once he was on he couldn’t get off it and soon improved with a bit of expert coaching from Streaky.

Have a look at the below video – we don’t think Jeremy did too badly to say he hadn’t picked a bat up for over 30 years.