Let your old cricket gear bring a smile to the faces of those less fortunate!
B3 Cricket are pleased to team up with Cricket Kindness to provide a collection hub in Nottingham where you can drop off all your pre-loved cricket gear.
The Cricket Kindness Project up-cycles masses of cricket equipment every year and raises funds to send much needed kit to poorly resourced communities around the world. They place cricket gear into the hands of cricket-loving people who share our love for the game, but who don’t have the means to access proper equipment.

This season we are looking to collect plenty of outgrown cricket bats, soft and hard balls, helmets, pads, gloves, cricket shoes and trainers. So please bring your outgrown junior and senior kit along to our Cricket Kindness collection point at B3 Cricket.

Despite Covid challenges, at the end of 2020 Cricket Kindness sent large shipments of kit to thankful communities Nevis and Antigua! This year they are aiming to assist disadvantaged areas in Barbados, Trinidad, Guyana and Sierra Leone. So, the more kit we can help them collect, the more joy we can bring through cricket!
Quality of Kit
Please only contribute kit in good condition; no holes in gloves or pads, only pairs of gloves/pads and no broken helmets.
Drop Off Arrangements
You can either drop off in person at B3 Cricket or ship to us.
Address: B3 Cricket, Mancor House, Bolsover St., Hucknall, Nottingham. NG15 7TZ
Either way please drop us an email or ring the office and let us know:
Email: teamb3@b3cricket.com Telephone: 01159 770198
Donations to Help Cover Shipping Overseas
The pandemic has caused unforeseen rises in shipping costs of the kit to the grateful recipients.
If you can help toward this, Cricket Kindness needs 500 cricket families to donate just £5 each. Please use the link below:
Please share with your cricket friends and teammates and thanks for sharing in this big joint effort spreading our love for the game far and wide!