When we started in 2012 with our ground breaking idea to make cricket bats better with advanced technology, we didn’t realise what a tough journey we were undertaking. Like any small business it takes blood, sweat and tears to make it work and we’ve shed all 3 in abundance.

Our resolve (and cash flow) were severely tested when in June 2015 the factory burned down and we were put out of business for almost 4 months.

We rose from the ashes and we have stuck to our principles because we knew we had a great product and service. We wanted to give amateur cricketers customised bats to the same level of quality and choice as the top pro’s at a price lower than you can buy an off the shelf bat from a cricket retailer.

Today we learned that we have won the coveted All Out Cricket “Gear Test” and that a B3 Series DB1 was chosen as the Number 1 Best Bat!

This is a “blind gear test” – none of the bats are labelled so the judges don’t have a clue which bat is which. They choose on quality, pick up and most importantly – performance.

This achievement makes us very proud and makes all the hard work seem worth it. Thanks you all for your support.

In case you don’t get a paper version of AOC – here’s the website article reporting how they “blind tested” the best bats in the world before selecting the very best http://www.alloutcricket.com/gear2017

Cheers Blathers, Streaky, Russ, Gav, Neil, Tom and Paul.